
合作伙伴关系 & 学生资源



在硅谷蓬勃发展 is a guide for Smith students, 工作人员, and faculty of color to fully experience the Five College community in the Pioneer Valley.



One of Smith’s greatest assets is its access to four nearby colleges. The Five College consortium increases your choices for scholarly and social activities. Four liberal arts colleges—Smith, 阿默斯特, Hampshire and Mount Holyoke—along with the University of Massachusetts lie within a 12-mile radius. 29个,300 students attending the schools in the Five College area further expand opportunities for friendship and cultural diversity. 约,000 of these men and women are students of color, and each campus sponsors social and cultural events focusing on ethnic and racial topics and experiences. You can take courses at any campus, and through the Five Colleges you can also study ethnomusicology, international relations and much more, adding to the curriculum offered at Smith.

Smith’s cultural organizations regularly plan events with their counterparts at the nearby colleges. Fare-free buses connect you to sporting events, 戏剧表演, 音乐会, film festivals and hundreds of other happenings.


Center for the Environment, 生态设计, and Sustainability

The Center for the Environment, 生态设计, and Sustainability (CEEDS) can support any and all of your interests related to the environment and sustainability through academic work, 独立研究, 实习, 还有学生社团. From incorporating indigenous perspectives into Smith's landscape master planning process to modeling energy systems that will help Smith achieve carbon neutrality, we've helped students be the change they want to see on campus and in our global community.


The Office of 残疾人服务 (ODS) arranges accommodations for disabled community members and coordinates with various offices on campus to ensure that the needs of the disabled are met. The ODS is also responsible for providing educational forums to raise awareness of disability issues.


The Office for 公平与包容 supports the college’s belief that diversity in all aspects of the educational environment is necessary for achieving the highest level of academic excellence. Members of an educational community rich in varying perspectives, outlooks and values will be better prepared to deal with complexity and to participate productively in a pluralistic society.


The Office for 国际研究 provides educational learning opportunities through study abroad experiences so that students may acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills that will prepare them for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world.

Jandon Center for 社区 Collaboration

The college has a long-standing commitment to sharing its resources with schools and communities, 本地和全国. 全年, in partnership with schools and communities nationwide, Smith students and faculty pursue research and share expertise.


Smith's office and program in religious life and community service extend the academic mission of the college outside the classroom to promote ethical inquiry, 宗教学习, spiritual growth and community engagement.

性教育资源中心 & 性别

The 性教育资源中心 & 性别 (RCSG) seeks to contribute to the understanding of the diverse meanings and expressions of sexuality and 性别, and the intersection of sexuality, 性别, 阶级和种族, 还有其他的身份. 


The Office of 学生参与 (OSE) is committed to helping students make intentional decisions about their involvement, both in and out of the classroom, for a more meaningful Smith experience. 


The Wurtele领导力中心 strives to help students realize their leadership potential, as well as discover the leadership that exists in everyday life. 通过各种工作坊, 研究, 演讲者和培训, the Wurtele Center ensures that all students at Smith have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and in doing so, realize that who they are is who they need to be.


校园社区公开论坛 (CCOFs) operate as a vehicle for ongoing community discussions about diversity. CCOF is open to all students, faculty and 工作人员, and meets once a month during the academic year.

Jacobson Center for Writing, Teaching and Learning

学生 at all levels of academic skill work with the center’s writing counselors to improve drafts of their papers.

Spinelli Center for Quantitative Learning

辅导, workshops and class study sessions in support of students doing quantitative work across the curriculum.