
住房 & 餐


All undergraduates at the college are required to live in a college house. For your first year, you should expect to share a room with an American student.


College rooms are quite simple; a bed, 一张桌子, 五斗橱, 一把椅子, 并提供了一个壁橱. The college does not supply curtains, sheets and bedding, or lamps. You can purchase those after you arrive and during the first full day of International Student Pre-Orientation (ISP). For your personal laundry, there are washing machines and dryers in the basement of your house.

餐饮服务 at Smith understands the needs of students with dietary restrictions (vegetarians in particular) and offers a variety of foods at all meals. You should have no difficulty in choosing among the various dishes offered at mealtime to match your own tastes or dietary restrictions. Special meals are available during Ramadan and we also have a Halal & Kosher kitchen for Muslim and Jewish students.


For now, it's important to pack light when you are traveling for the first time. Just bring with you some essential clothing, a few souvenirs, pictures of your family, etc. Additional clothing and other personal items can be purchased here or brought back with you when you go home for the winter holidays or the following summer.

每年秋季, the office also holds a Winter Clothes Closet, collected from donations from older students and campus community members. All articles of clothing available there are free of charge.

The college does not supply curtains, sheets and bedding or lamps (see "住房 & 上面的食物”).

Northampton is situated in the northeast part of the United States, and you can expect a wide range of weather conditions. From late August/early September (during ISP) the temperature can range from 15°C to 35°C. In early fall and late spring, you'll find that shorts or light pants, 礼服, skirts and pullovers are worn. Colder winter months come quickly, however! From November through late March, temperatures range from –25°C to 5°C. A heavy outer coat is essential, as are snow boots, gloves, a warm hat and a scarf. Rain equipment such as rubber boots and an umbrella are necessary, too.

Generally, students dress in casual clothing on campus and in the classroom. There are many local stores and a large shopping mall nearby where you can purchase all of the above. 

We have compiled a list of helpful tips and resources to help you stay warm through the harsh winters:冬装资源 & 提示

Having a laptop computer is not essential, but it will make your assignments easier to complete. There are computer facilities available for students in several buildings, which are open during the day and accessible by OneCard after business hours. WiFi is available campus-wide, including in student rooms. For more information about available study spaces and laptops available for temporary use, 通读澳门葡京博彩软件我的图书馆在哪里 网页或下载 SmithScape应用.

For more information about computers to purchase—and discounts through Smith—please visit the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Computer Store 网站. If you buy a computer from Smith, it will be covered under a warranty system and can be serviced by the college if you have any problems. 电脑 purchased elsewhere are not serviced by Smith.

行李、存储 & 航运

Personal possessions that are to be sent from foreign countries rather than brought into the United States with you should be mailed by parcel post whenever possible. Parcels may be mailed if they are under $250 in value.


The advantages of parcel post mailing are: ease of clearing customs, savings on shipping charges, 更快的交货, and delivery directly to 澳门葡京博彩软件 rather than to a port of entry (which involves an additional expense). Be sure to fill out a customs and postal declaration when you mail the parcel, giving an accurate description and value of the contents, and attach it securely to the parcel. Parcels labeled "student clothing" are exempt from customs duty. It will probably be much cheaper to send three or four parcels by mail. You should address boxes to:

1 Chapin Way, 澳门葡京博彩软件
北安普顿,MA 01063-6302

Please mark the boxes "Hold For Arrival." There is very limited space on campus for storage during the academic year and summer months. Please do not send any items you do not absolutely need.