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Confirming Your STEM OPT Status

你必须从STEM OPT开始之日起每六个月确认一次STEM OPT的使用, until the end of the 24-month STEM extension. 请将您目前雇主的姓名和地址以及您目前的居住地址报告给ISSO. Failure to report will terminate your STEM OPT status.


Students who majored in STEM (science, technology, 工程和数学)专业的学生可以申请额外延长24个月的OPT授权. 你可以在完成后OPT结束前90天开始你的STEM延期申请, and it must be received by USCIS before your current OPT expires. With the receipt of your application, 在等待新的stem批准的EAD卡期间,您可以继续工作长达180天. See the text on your I-797 Receipt Notice for details.

  • Astronomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Economics (Quantitative Economics track only)
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science & Policy
  • Geosciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Neuroscience
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Statistical & Data Sciences

Additional Information

To Apply for STEM OPT

  1. Collect your application documents (see list in next dropdown).
  2. Email ISSO the Form I-983 completed by you and your employer, and Smith’s OPT Request Form.
  3. In addition, 通过电子邮件发送I-765的草稿,用于STEM OPT申请(用于在线申请), create an account on website and create a draft I-765 application, but do not submit. On the "Review and Submit" page, 点击标题为“查看草稿快照”的链接下载在线I-765申请的PDF文件. If you prefer to mail your application by post, the paper Form I-765 is still a valid form).
  4. ISSO will review these documents and will then email you a new I-20, extending your employment dates and recommending your STEM OPT Extension. We will keep your I-983 and your OPT Request Form for our records, since you are not required to mail them as part of your STEM OPT application.
  5. Once you receive your new I-20 with our STEM OPT recommendation on page 2, 在上传到你的在线申请或在你的纸质申请中附上一份之前,一定要打印它并在第一页上签名. 
  6. Once your application is complete, submit it to USCIS. USCIS must receive this application within 60 days of when we issue the new I-20, and before the last date of your Post-Completion OPT.

Tips for Completing STEM OPT I-765

  • 如果任何字段需要额外的空间,请在第6部分:附加信息中使用空格.
  • For paper applications: USCIS指示指出,表格上的所有问题都必须完整准确地回答. 如果某个问题不适用于您,请键入或打印“N/ a”或“none”,除非另有指示.
  • Reason for Applying: Even though STEM OPT is an extension of work authorization, it's a new eligibility category and therefore another initial application.
  • OPT STEM extension eligibility category: (c)(3)(C).
  • For paper applications:  If you answer "No" on question 14, you do not need to fill in questions 15–17.
  • Travel Document: For use only for those who are unable to obtain a passport.
  • 抵达信息:信息应与打印的I-94记录和旅行历史相符. If it does not, please contact ISSO.
  • SEVIS ID: Provide all previously used SEVIS ID numbers. If you have had more than one SEVIS ID, "additional information" sheet (page 7) can be used to list prior records.
  • 学位:提供学位级别和专业(例如,英语学士学位)
  • 雇主信息:确保与你的雇主核实他们的公司名称是如何在E-Verify中列出的, and provide your employer’s E-Verify Company Identification Number, or a valid E-Verify Client Company Identification Number in the spaces provided. 雇主的电子验证号码应来自其人力资源或法律办公室,而不是EIN(雇主识别号码)。. If you need additional space, you can use Part 6: Additional Information!
  • For paper applications如果这些资格类别不适用于您,请将问题29-31留空.
  • For paper applications用黑色笔在“申请人签名”下签名,并确保在空白区域内签名! Stamped or typewritten signatures are not acceptable.

Tips for Completing I-983

See tips from from Study in the States—USCIS website.

第5页:这些评估应该在你的STEM OPT延期1年和2年的时候完成. You do not need to submit them with your STEM OPT Extension application, 但是当你的2年延期过了一半的时候,你需要把它们提交给ISSO, and again at 2 years or whenever you finish your employment with the company, whichever comes first.


Assembling Your Materials

Assemble the following, and upload to your online application, or for a paper application, attach on left-hand side in this order. See I-765 Instructions for more details.

  • Recent passport size (2” x 2”) color photo(s). Online applicants only need one photo to upload. Applicants mailing documents will need two photos, and should write their name & I-94 number LIGHTLY in pencil on back of each.
  • $410 Payment
    • Online applicants may pay by credit card. The last step after payment information is submission, so be careful not to submit before you're ready!
    • Mailed applications should include a check or money order made out to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (from a U.S. bank account).
    • Alternatively, if you prefer to mail and pay by credit card, please fill out Form G-1450 in lieu of a check or money order. Please double-check all numbers and don’t forget to sign your form; we've seen quite a few rejected applications as a result of mistakes on this form
  • (For paper application only) Form G-1145. For email and/or text message notifications about updates to your application.
  • Complete, signed Form I-765
    • 在线申请人通过点击链接页面中的“在线文件”按钮填写,并在USCIS在线创建帐户. 在申请的“审查”部分有一个名为“查看草稿快照”的小链接,其中显示了您的I-765纸质副本的预览PDF.
    • 在线申请人将通过USCIS申请网站的适当页面上传所有证明文件.
  • Copies of all your past I-20s that show work authorization (prior CPT or OPT).
  • Copy of signed new STEM OPT I-20 from ISSO, signed by you (either electronically or in blue pen).
  • Copies of any documentation about previous status, if applicable. If you applied for a Change of Status to F-1 within the United States, include notification forms (this is uncommon). 请注意:如果您以游客身份访问美国,并在以学生身份入境之前离开, you DO NOT need to include documentation about these types of travel.
  • Copy of letter of employment (optional)
  • Your Smith College transcript, showing your major as a STEM-extension eligible field.
  • Copy of current or previous EAD (OPT card), front and back. Include any other EADs from other institutions or education levels, if applicable.
  • Copy of your current passport's photo page.
  • Copy of most recent F-1 entry visa (F-1 visa may be expired)(optional).
  • Your most recent I-94 arrival record.

Make copies of all documents you submit for travel purposes.

Shipping Information

如果你是在线申请,一切都可以在你的在线申请门户网站上提交. 但是,如果您使用纸质申请,则需要将您的物理包邮寄给USCIS. The most updated mailing address can be found on the USCIS website, under Foreign Students, and you are looking at category (c)(3)(C) for STEM OPT. If you have questions, please contact Dean Caitlin or Claire. 

If you have created an online account with USCIS, 一旦收到您的申请,您将收到通知,并在USCIS批准后(12周以上)再次收到通知. You will also be mailed a hard-copy receipt notice. When your application is approved, 他们会把工作许可卡直接寄到你的邮寄地址.  Please note: Unlike Post-Completion OPT, you may continue to work while your STEM OPT application is pending. 你的纸质收据可以证明你的工作许可证在有效期届满后自动延长至180天, or until your application is adjudicated by USCIS, whichever is sooner.

一旦您收到新的STEM OPT卡并在STEM领域工作,您就有报告责任.

You must confirm your STEM OPT usage to Smith every six months. Mark your calendar, now! Please send us a confirmation of your address and employment information (employer, job title, employer address). 当您通过两年延期的一年标志时,您还必须向ISSO提交自我评估(I-983的第5页), and again at two years or whenever you finish your employment with the company, whichever comes first.

There are additional restrictions surrounding employment using your STEM OPT.

  • Each new employer requires a new Form I-983. ISSO必须在你开始新职位之前收到你更新的I-983.
  • Every employer must be an e-Verify employer.
  • Self-employment is not allowed during STEM OPT.
  • You must work a minimum of 20 hours per week for each employer you have on STEM OPT.
  • Unpaid work is not allowed on STEM OPT.
  • 第三方雇主(人力资源、临时代理机构和咨询公司)只有在为学生提供实践培训经验的实体,并且与学生保持真诚的雇主-雇员关系的情况下,才有资格使用STEM OPT. More information can be found on USCIS' STEM OPT site or on Study in the States.

在完成后OPT期间,你最多可以失业90天. If there are any days remaining at the end of your authorization period, those unemployment days will roll over into your STEM OPT authorization. 此外,STEM OPT还提供60个额外的失业日,总共最多150天.

A STEM OPT Extension can be based on two scenarios:

  • 作为学生当前完成后12个月标准OPT期基础的学位
  • 先前在美国机构获得STEM学位,未使用STEM OPT延期. 即使该学位是由与当前I-20所显示的不同的机构授予的,也可以使用该证书.

If you plan to utilize a prior degree as the basis for your STEM OPT, 该学位必须来自美国机构,并且是在过去10年内授予的. Please note: If you use a STEM OPT extension, the practical training opportunity MUST relate to the STEM-eligible degree.

An example use of a prior degree:

  • Student earns a BA in Biology. Student decides not to utilize their STEM OPT.
  • Student then completes an MBA program (which is a non-STEM program).
  • Student utilizes 12 months of Post-Completion OPT based on the MBA program.
  • Student can then apply for a 24-month STEM OPT extension, based on the Biology degree, as long as the qualifying job relates back to the Biology major.  (STEM OPT工作和先前学位领域之间的关系应该与当前的签证担保人一起确定, who will process the STEM OPT application.)

Contact International Students and Scholars

125 Wright Hall

Smith College

Northampton, MA USA

Phone: 413-585-7598 Email:

Open office hours: Schedule a meeting with Dean Caitlin or with Claire Seely when it’s convenient for you!